Web Ads and PPT Templates
For each of the 3 seminars developed by The Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head-Neck Nurses in 2021, I developed a Web ad and a Powerpoint template for their speakers to use.

Pharmacy Benefit Report Website Launch Announcement
To promote and create interest in the new Website, an email with a link to a video was sent to Novartis account managers, along with a specially packaged, large chocolate key. I was an important part of the team who developed the overall concept of the promotion and the video. From there, I designed and provided art for the email and the video framework. I also developed the format, art, and text for the chocolate key packaging and managed the production.

Party Invitation
I designed this invitation to generate interest in this themed party held in the evening after Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy events and sponsored by Novartis. 

Bayside Centennial Events Calendar
I designed, illustrated, and edited this two-sided flyer to create excitement in and promote volunteering for the many Centennial events held throughout the summer in this historic Maine village. The flyer was distributed to all the residents and summer renters.

Bayside Centennial Lobster Bake & Potluck Picnic Announcement
The flyer and poster were used to promote this all-day event held during Bayside, Maine's Centennial Celebration. I designed this flyer and all of the promotional materials and my whole family was involved with planning and executing the entire event (and I don't eat lobster!).

Brethaire Party Invitation
Long before infographics, I created and illustrated this z-fold invitation to draw customers to this unique event. It was hand-delivered or mailed by Geigy (now Novartis) account managers. 

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